English - I caught my cat today as he hunted down two little mice. I filmed as much as possible with me smartphone. Dutch - I betrapte mijn kat erop dat hij aan het jagen was op twee kleine muisjes. ...
8,942 VistasThese videos never happen on the first try... facebook.com/Siddhiandkat (Background music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXtfV-buskY)
6,548 VistasWATCH: Keyboard Cat meets Grumpy Cat! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUSuTEPFX_U http://www.facebook.com/thekeyboardcat http://www.twitter.com/thekeyboardcat - Keyboard Cat is the coolest cat in ...
42,169 VistasOnze katten (Chelsea, Sparta en Chester) en hun nieuwe CATIT design senses play circuit (2x)
7,259 VistasMijn kat Bram probeert hier op het scherm de muis van de computer te pakken
6,955 VistasPoes,Poezen, Poesen, Kat, kater, kitten, video, sweet, love, pictures, Cat, baby child, veilig, safe. Kat, kater, cat,poes, kitty, catz, pussi, chat, katt, Qit or Besseh,Kotka Kotarak ,Maow, Mao,Kat...
18,166 VistasBUB usually travels with us anywhere we go. Partly because she loves to travel, and partly because she requires special care and it's just easier to take her along. On our most recent trip to...
6,600 VistasCould it be true? Is Lil BUB producing Kelley Deal of The Breeders' next single?! Check out the full episode with the debut of Kelley's new single "Shirtcrush" this Thursday, Octo...
7,057 VistasI found some pretty amusing videos on my phone from a recent trip with BUB to visit the in-laws. BUB travels with us all the time, everywhere we go, and she has loved it since my first trip with her t...
7,645 VistasFinally caught on camera - an actual conversation with BUB. What many people may not realize is that BUB is an exceptionally smart and intuitive creature. She knows her name, understand vocal cues, an...
7,957 VistasBUB gets free litter just in time, cause she's gotta go. Bad. Video shot by our pal William Winchester Claytor. Music by our pal Matty Pop Chart - http://mattypopchart.bandcamp.com/ Mailman play...
7,430 VistasWeclome to the 11th, and second to last Episode of Lil BUB's Big SHOW, featuring renowned magician, Dennis Watkins. Watch, as BUB baffles a REAL MAGICIAN with her very own magic tricks (I mean s...
7,000 VistasIt's been a while since the last episode of BUB's Big SHOW - find out why. A new full episode is coming really soon! --------------------------------------- There is only one BUB. For thos...
7,255 VistasHere is some magical behind the scenes footage from the 2016 Calendar shoot (hence BUB being in the future). Lil BUB's One-of-a-Kind 2015 Calendar is now on clearance and comes with a free, g...
7,493 VistasBUB YAWNS --------------------------------------- There is only ONE BUB. For those of you that don't know, BUB is one of a kind cat, rescued as the runt of an otherwise feral litter. She e...
7,185 VistasIf you're wondering how BUB spends her afternoons, this is pretty much it. http://www.lilbub.com/store http://www.lilbub.com/about
7,274 VistasThis video is a perfect example of how amazing, spry and healthy BUB is these days. Her determination, attitude and personality shine through like a magical space diamond. ---------------------------...
6,934 VistasOfficial trailer for the 3rd Episode of Lil BUB's Big SHOW, with special guest Steve Albini. Jokes, magic tricks and the sensitive side of Steve. It's a game changer folks. Be sure to see...
6,575 Vistas